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  • The Discovery of Lab-Grown Diamonds The history of lab-grown diamonds can be traced back to the 1950s, when scientists first discovered that they could create diamonds in a laboratory setting. However, it wasn't until the 1990s that the technology advanced enough to produce diamonds that were virtu...

  • Lab Grown Diamonds Lab grown diamonds have been gaining popularity in recent years, and with the increasing demand, many people have questions about these diamonds. Fuego Diamonds is here to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about lab grown diamonds, so you can make an informed d...

  • Diamonds are Forever Diamonds are Forever But they also feel like they burn a hole in the pocket forever. They are expensive and there is no denying it. The romanticizing of diamonds began centuries back when diamonds started getting associated as a love symbol. The trend continues even today, ...

  • Lab-grown diamonds, also known as synthetic or cultured diamonds, are becoming increasingly popular in the world of fine jewelry. As a diamond buyer, you may be wondering why you should consider purchasing a lab-grown diamond instead of a natural one. In this article, we will explore the benefits of...

  • You might be living in an alien world if you haven’t heard of lab-grown diamonds in recent years. Its popularity has skyrocketed since 2015 and so has the market of people choosing lab-grown diamonds. If you are planning to buy diamond jewelry of any sort, the idea of the lab-grown diamond must have...

  • Diamonds and their association with love is a long story. They say the larger the diamond, the more profound the love. While the notion continues to exist in bits even today, the millennials and GenZ are turning out to be smart buyers. They could see the facade behind mined diamonds and are turning ...

  • The market for lab-grown skyrocketed since 2015 and the charts seem to be flaring high ever since. The awareness and perception concerning lab-grown have seen a positive light and very slowly the market is taking a share of mined diamonds. If you are someone who has settled on going for a lab-grown ...

  • Lab grown diamonds are a growing trend in the jewelry industry, and for good reason. These diamonds are created in a lab setting using advanced technology, and are chemically and physically identical to natural diamonds. One of the most popular uses for lab grown diamonds is in diamond pendants, whe...

  • Lab-grown diamonds regarded as guilt-free diamonds pass the environmental and humanitarian grounds with their endearing history. lab-grown diamonds are grown in laboratories and unlike mined diamonds that take billions of years to form, the former is made in less than a  week. It’s as sparkling...